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Friendster Horoscope for November 21, 2006

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Logo CapricornThe Bottom Line
The pace of your life is a lot faster than you may realize right now. Slow it down!

In Detail
The pace of your life is a lot faster than you may realize right now. Your unconscious speed may not be bothering you, but it might be bothering the people in your life. This go-go attitude of yours might be sending out the wrong message -- a vibe that says you're not willing to wait for anyone else to catch up, that says you've got too many important things to do. But that's not really true, is it? Make sure you're in step with everyone else right now. You could use the company!

Bukan nak percaya kepada horoskop, tapi kadang-kadang kita perlu membuka minda sedikit terhadap pemikiran lain. Memang hidup aku terlalu laju... memang aku mampu berjaya dan pada aku sekarang nie aku terlalu berjaya... Alhamdulillah...

Tapi cita-cita aku bukan nak jadi kaya dan senang... aku nak hidup bahagia dan gembira... Insya-Allah...

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